Here is the basic information for Premiere Screening Hosts:

  • Pick a date and time that works best for your community and block it out on your church calendar.

  • The film is 1.5 hours long, plus credits and Q&A. Budget 2 hours for the event.

  • Please show the film after dark or in a room that can be darkened. We want to give people the most theatrical experience possible.

  • Please show the film on the biggest screen and with the brightest projector you have. 

  • Afterwards, you will ask the viewers to take a short survey about the film and share information on follow-up resources.

  • You do not have to pay us a fee to show the film, we just ask you to follow our guidelines to ensure a quality viewing experience.

  • Some churches have shown the film in a local theater which is a great experience! We have the film formatted for commercial projectors if you want to pursue that option. You will be responsible for any associated fees.

  • You cannot charge people to watch the film, but you can take an offering to help cover actual costs.

To get started, please fill out and submit this form and then we will send you information on how to access the film. Thanks!